Thursday, July 9, 2009

Two Ways Cannot Be One

idyllic has moved to tumblr, here.

I'm not going to delete this blog, I might even continue to update. My tumblr blog and this one are going to be different. This one wasn't enough about my own life, more just images that I found interesting. I want to expand.

I'll probably log in now and then to see posts from the blog's that I follow.

This is not good-bye, merely a diversion between two paths.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Happy 4th!

I had these photos left from my 17th birthday party. We look so free and we danced around with sparklers. I thought it fit the fireworks and freedom theme.

Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

June Weddings

My uncle got married last month! I wish that I could have gone. It looks like such a beautiful ceremony on the beach. I would love to someday have a wedding like theirs. It was only my uncle, his new bride, and her two children. I haven't met her and her children yet (as they live far away), but I'm excited to have a new aunt and younger cousins!